Latest News¶
November 2019¶
Registrations are now open for the 9th Australasian Symposium on Ionic Liquids (ASIL9), which is to be held at Monash University Clayton from May 5-7, 2020. ASIL9 is organised jointly by the Pas group (Monash) and Greaves group (RMIT University). Register now at the website!
October 2019¶
The group attended the Australia-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (APATCC) 2019 conference in Sydney. Congratulations to Fi, who also won a poster prize for her poster presentation, titled ‘The Extent of Ionicity in Diamine Protic Ionic Liquids’!
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September 2019¶
Luke Wylie won the Monash Energy Conference Poster Award for his poster, ‘Tailoring Ionic Liquids For Use in Organic Radical Redox Flow Batteries’ at the Monash Energy Conference. Congratulations, Luke!
We say hello and goodbye to a visiting student, Elisabeth Seiler, from Dr. Masahiro Yoshizawa Fujita’s group in Sophia University who briefly visited us in Melbourne to perform some simulations on ionic liquids and cellulose dissolution.
May 2019¶
A previous member of the group, Dr. Su Chen, attended her PhD graduation ceremony at Monash Clayton. Congratulations, Su!
April 2019¶
Michael Robinson started his PhD in our group focusing on quantum mechanics studies of antimicrobial peptides in association with Prof. Ralf Hoffman at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Welcome to the Group, Michael!
March 2019¶
Kaycee Low started her PhD in our group focusing on machine learning approaches to drug design. She was awarded a central RTP scholarship and an excellence scholarship to pursue her studies. Congratulations Kaycee and welcome to the Group!
Kaycee published her second first-author paper entitled “An Ab Initio Study of the Structure and Energetics of Hydrogen Bonding in Ionic Liquids”, Front. Chem., DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00208. One of the conclusions of the work was the dominance of electrostatic forces in hydrogen bonded ionic liquids (HBIL) over aprotic ones (IL174).
February 2019¶
Eunice Gwee has her first paper as the first author accepted in ACS Omega! The paper is entitled ‘Influence of DFT Functionals and Solvation Models on the Prediction of Far-Infrared Spectra of Pt-Based Anticancer Drugs: Why Do Different Complexes Require Different Levels of Theory?’
Nathan Martens begins his Honours project to study the effect of electric field on the bulk structure of ionic liquids co-supervised by Prof. Tom Welton from Imperial College, London.
January 2019¶
We are now proud users of Stampede 2!
January 2019¶
Our paper ‘Towards Improved Performance of All- Organic Nitroxide Radical Batteries with Ionic Liquids: A Theoretical Perspective‘ (L. Wylie, K. Oyaizu, A. Karton, M. Yoshizawa-Fujita and E. I. Izgorodina) is accepted for publication in ACS Sust. Chem. Eng. and is featured on the SUPPLEMENTARY COVER.
December 2018¶
Our paper ‘Increased stability of nitroxide radicals in ionic liquids: more than a viscosity effect‘ (Wylie, Z. L. Seeger, A. N. Hancock, and E. I. Izgorodina) is accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics and is featured on the outside back cover.
November 2018¶
Tom Mason, a Warwick Uni graduate, begins his PhD project to understand the behaviour of ionic polymers for water/ion separation. He is co-supervised by Prof. Benny Freeman, University of Texas at Austin. Tom is also a recipient of two central scholarships. Well Done!
September 2018¶
Our paper ‘Is it possible to control kinetic rates of radical polymerisation in ionic liquids?’ (Kaycee Low, David Scarborough, Luke Wylie, and Ekaterina I. Izgorodina) is accepted for publication in Chemical Communications, and is featured on the outside back cover.
August 2018¶
Nicole Wang begins mid-year Honours, studying the ‘Development of Novel Density Functionals for Studying Chemical Reactions’, in conjunction with Prof Michelle Coote at the Australian National University.
August 2018¶
Nathan Martens joins the group as a third year research student CHM3990, investigating hydrogen bonding in protic ionic liquid clusters, with the aim of better understanding and tailoring ionic liquid properties through hydrogen bonding character.
July 2018¶
Peter Halat visits Leipzig University in Germany in order to undertake spectroscopic experiments as a part of his Honours year project, ‘Improving Nitrogen Solubility in Ionic Liquids’.
April 2018¶
Anh Nguyen begins her PhD, entitled ‘Prediction of Crystal Structures and Lattice Energies of Molecular Crystals from First Principles’, with secondary supervisor Dr. David Turner. Anh is also a recipient of two central scholarships. Well done!